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Leadership Development Programme and Seminars

Leadership Development, Leadership Programmes with Jane Keep

"I have worked with Jane on several projects and have truly appreciated her excellent leadership skills.  She is a great organiser, a good listener, and an inspiring presenter." 


Organisational Change Facilitator, Private Sector

"I have worked with Jane as co-faculty on complex leadership development programmes running over several months and designed and run specialist master classes for NHS Chief Executives with her.  Above all she has always been extremely competent, fully committed, reliable and professional in everything we have done together.  She carries with her a vast cauldron of experience and knowledge in the service of those she works with and for.  This is not the main reason, though, why having Jane in your team adds immense value to a project.  Her humility, the quality of her energy, the integrity and authenticity she brings with her is what truly makes working at any level with Jane a pleasure."  


Jim Hanbury, Managing Director, Exeter Leadership Consulting Ltd, UK

Spanning across two decades Jane has designed and delivered a wide range of leadership programmes across the UK in healthcare, the wider public sector and the voluntary sector predominantly. 


One of the hallmarks of Jane’s approach is to offer a ‘lived’ experience so that all who attend a leadership programme or seminar can work on live and real issues in a confidential learning environment.


Whilst Jane can focus on a range of leadership development needs there is a strong foundational key to all of the programmes or seminars Jane presents – one of True Leadership Health – whereby the health of the leader, which not only includes physical and physiological health, but relationship health and behavioural health provides the bedrock upon which other leadership skills can be learnt and developed. Leader integrity, transparency, self awareness, and resilience are all part of this. 


Leadership Development is designed with you, tailor made to you and your organisational needs, using a range of learning options including face to face, workshops, seminars, master classes, online resources as needed, with a range of workplace activities, and observation as part of ensuring all learning is embodied and embedded in the workplace and not just learnt on a ‘course’.


Jane works with a large network of academics, and leadership developers as needed in delivering these programmes.

"I have had the pleasure of working with Jane on a leadership development programme for the NHS. Jane is an experienced and insightful practitioner. Her wisdom and insight comes partly from the breadth of knowledge that she brings to bear when designing, developing and facilitating interventions and programmes. it also comes from the wealth of personal and professional experiences that underpin her practice. This allied with her value and principle centred approach means that she truly walks her talk and her authenticity and integrity shines through in everything that she does. She also takes the time to build quality relationships with both colleagues and clients. I believe this all contributes to enabling her to achieve the high calibre and outstanding results and outcomes that she does in her work."


Mark Doughty, Director, Centre for Patient Leadership. Leadership Associate, The Kings Fund.   

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All © content 2016 Jane Keep unless otherwise stated


Photography on this site by Clayton Lloyd, Dean Whitling, Meg Valentine. Website by Rebecca Asquith – Emanation Media

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