Self-Care and Well-Being at Work is a Core Component of Quality and Productivity
During the last 39 years I have been curious about health and wellbeing at work, particularly because 18 years ago my own health was...

Self-Care at Work - how is it going? A straw poll.
Between August and December 2017 an anonymous online survey was undertaken to ascertain from people across many workplace settings what...

“Stiff Upper lip” or lip quiver – what’s that got to do with workplace health?
In England (maybe elsewhere too) there is a saying 'stiff upper lip' - in that you see or feel something discomforting, unsettling or...

What if NHS Staff are the greatest Public Health Campaign we could have?
What if NHS Staff are the greatest Public Health Campaign we could have? And, what if NHS Staff’s health and wellbeing not only enabled a...

The False Economies of productivity at work, where can we find a productivity edge in our modern day
Our Health at work – a productive edge? In our modern day workplaces how much do we link taking care of ourselves to our productivity?...

The quality of our coaching is based on the quality of our relationship with ourselves.
The quality of our coaching is based on the quality of our relationship with ourselves. Not a new subject to coaches, but one of deep...

Organisational Health Starts With Us
Organisational health is the sum of our health, our leaders health and the health of our teams including the health of our relationships....